Keep My Place in Queue

Unity Keep My Place In Queue [KMPIQ] is an add-on capability for the BroadSoft ACD solution that allows inbound queued callers to request a call back when they reach the front of the queue. Available on either BroadSoft Standard or Premium queues, Unity KMPIQ improves the customer contact experience and reduces stress levels for Agents.

KMPIQ provides a true “first in, first out” solution and does not require any changes to the base BroadSoft ACD solution. When the callers place reaches the front of the queue an outbound call back to the remote party is opened in Unity Agent


JoinLeave Queue

Uses Existing BroadSoft ACD

No additional engineering or licences required on the BroadSoft platform

ACD State

No “Slots” Limitation

There is no limitation on slots or capacity for the numbers of callbacks that can be queued

Supervisor Alerting

No SIP or SBC Engineering

KMPIQ achieved using signalling without trunking the voice RTP stream out

Disposition Codes

Available on Standard or premium Queues

There is no feature dependency on the BroadSoft queue, therefore KMPIQ available on both ACD queue types

Inbound & Outbound DNIS

Outbound ACD Presentation on Callback

If the Callback request is to a Premium DNIS queue, then that DNIS can be presented back to the caller when the call is returned


Supported BroadSoft Features

join-leaveJoin/Leave Queue

Agents can change their availability to individual queues simply by right clicking the queue in the Personal Wallboard. Red and green icons toggle to show current status.

acd-stateACD State

Available, Unavailable and Wrap-Up are button driven from the main Unity Agent interface. If Unavailable Codes are in use, they are listed when Unavailable is clicked.

supervisorSupervisor Alerting

Right clicking any queue in the Personal Wallboard will allow the Agent to alert, either by calling or instant messaging, any Supervisor assigned to the queue

forceDisposition Codes

Right clicking an inbound ACD call in the Active Call Window will display a list of any Disposition Codes that have been configured in BroadSoft. The Agent can select multiple codes.

inboundInbound & Outbound DNIS

Unity supports alpha-tagging DNIS queues so that the agent knows which queue has been called. For Outbound DNIS, Unity allows the agent to change their outbound CallerID to be that of any call centre of which they are a member.

Additional Unity Features

personalPersonal Wallboard

Displays queue information including calls in queue, longest wait, tweets, web chats, answered calls etc for both the Agent and the overall call center

abandonedAbandoned Call Back

Agent’s receive a list of abandoned CallerID’s that have been assigned by their Supervisor. Simply click to initiate call back and then mark the call as processed

queue-call-listQueued Calls List

Displays a list of all calls currently in queue. CRM Connector extends this further by flagging calls in queue as Leads or Accounts in the customer CRM


Provides a visual indication of the call center performance. Different stats can have thresholds set that change green, orange, red as they trigger preset levels

crem-profilingCRM Profiling Calls in Queue

All queued calls are profiled as Leads or Accounts in the CRM allowing Supervisors to make informed decisions about which calls to prioritise

team-acd-stateTeam ACD State

Displays the ACD state of up to 30 of their colleagues in the call center, as well as their hook state allowing Agents to visualise current resource availability

forceForce Disposition Code

Agents are forced to assign a Disposition Code to the previous call when they select Available ACD state meaning 100% accuracy in reporting


Automatically configure all Agents with the same stats, thresholds, call center membership and other variables. Learn more

Other Agent Add-On Options


Contact Center

Add Web-Chat, Web Call-Back and Email queues  for BroadSoft ACD or Hosted PBX users

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Browser Click to Dial

Click-to-dial from Chrome, Edge and Firefox

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CRM Connector

Connect to Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics and more for screen-pop, click-to-dal, automatic logging and call queue profiling.

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Browser Call Pop

Append incoming call details in a custom URL

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    BroadSoft Service ProviderEnd User Customer or Reseller